Life has been... well, kinda not so nice to me lately. So much going on in relation to health, finance and life in general.
But I try to stay positive, but things keep blind siding me. Then, my computer crashed. I lost everything. Over 4,000 pics. I have some of them scattered on myspace, facebook and flickr, but trying to gather them up is a hassle. But, I am smart. I still have them on my SD card. I was keeping them on there until I backed them all up.
Smart gal I am.
But, once I got my computer all up and going, I went to read the pics so I can back them up. But, the computer will not read my SD card. NOT GOOD.
So, I googled for an answer. Looks like the only option is to reformat and lose them all. NOT NEAT!
There are some programs that MIGHT be able to recover some of the pictures after reformatting. But wow, what a gamble.
Well, the answers I read was NOT acceptable. So, I kept researching and found the issue.
My card is 16 GB. My card reader will only read 4 GB. YES!!!! A solution.
One solution was to buy an external card reader.
Or... download a free patch. So, I downloaded and HEY, IT WORKED!!!
I am retrieving my photos as I type.
This is the site you need to go to. This is for Windows XP only. If you have a different OS then I am sure there is a patch for that.
So, before you reformat an SD Card that your computer won't read, try this.
I know this may sound silly to you, but I cried when I found a solution. These are memories I was at risk of losing. There were my pictures of my angels, of times spent with family and of pictures I poured my heart into to capture.
Yes, I know, I should back up my data more often. I know that. But hey, I also know I should have had a salad for lunch instead of a cheeseburger with fries, but we don't always do what we know we should.
So, the moral of the story is. Do not admit defeat too soon, keep searching for an answer.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Cool camera bag.
I love my new camera bag. So many I looked at were cumbersome and difficult to get the camera in and out. This is simple to open, close and use... plus it is FREAKING ADORABLE.
I got mine at Best Buy for $39.99.
I got mine at Best Buy for $39.99.
bowling bag,
camera accessories,
camera bag
Monday, June 22, 2009
What I learned from Jon and Kate

Everyone has an opinion. Some blame Jon, some Kate, some both. Some just don't care.
I believe we can all agree that the kids are the ones losing the most.
I never liked Kate. Even from the beginning. So I think my thinking is a bit biased. She always annoyed me and came across as bitchy and mean. I think he needed to stand up to her a long time ago. I feel to a degree they pimped out their kids.
I personally think the issue is his role in all this. I feel his identity was ripped from him. It happens to many of us. Usually women. But she took control and went out and did her thing and he quit work and stayed home.
He allowed this to happen. But after a while became angry and bitter.
I am saddened by all this. But as with marriage, they made choices and with those choices come consequences.
So who is to blame. Well, I would like to jump up and say Kate. She was a wife who manipulated and belittled Jon.
On the other hand, Jon allowed it to happen. If he had stood up at the beginning, perhaps they would not be in this place.
But I do suppose I sympathize with Jon. I find I myself have allowed much of my identity to be taken away from me. And at times that makes me angry and bitter.
But in my case, my husband has nothing to do with that. It is all things I allowed to happen. And unlike Jon, I have sat down with Rob on many occasions and discussed this and he tried to make suggestions to allow me to get myself back.
This is not me talking about a serious marital issue I have, but rather something most stay at home moms (or moms in general) feel many times. We give up so much of who we are and if we are not careful we will completely lose ourselves. We must always strive to be the best mom and wife but also be the best of who we are and not lose sight of ourselves.
I am taking steps to get a bit of myself back. I think perhaps Jon is doing that to, but on a more dramatic and large scale.
Perhaps he waited too long and let things go too far for him to get his self back any other way.
But I will say this, to any mom or dad out there. Don't lose sight of who you are. Don't lose your identity. Because while you may freely give that part of yourself up, you will regret it and become bitter and angry that it happened.
Fight for your identity, stay true to yourself.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Not Mommy.
Your child's first words. The moment you wait for. The moment you dream of.
Hannah has been saying "hi" and "bye" forever now. But nothing else. Well, today she said another word... "Bob"
No, not mommy or daddy but "Bob"
Sponge Bob came on the tv and as the theme song was playing she joined in. She kept tune and sang along perfectly, well, every word was "Bob" but it was in tune.
"Bob, bob, bob, bob, bob, bob, bob, bob, bob.... Bob bob bob bob"
Why can't they make annoying jingles about Mommy?
Yum Yum
I went for a late Walmart trip last night. And as I was walking around came across a product I had not tried before. It looked really good but was one of those products that could be bad too. So I was iffy about buying it.
But I spent the $3.78 and bought it. Boy am I glad I did. It is delicious. I highly recommend Tostito's Creamy Spinach dip.
I also recommend you try it with Triscuit Thin Crisps. A perfect combination.
spinach dip,
thin crisps,
Tostito's spinach dip,
Friday, June 12, 2009

Pedamundo is a holiday created by John Mayer (@johncmayer) on 6-10-2009 to be celebrated on Friday and Saturday on the second weekend of June every year.
Hey, I say any excuse to celebrate. Let's party like it's 2009.
Pedomundo all started on twitter, where John is using his influence on over 1 million followers.
Here are the tweets that got it all started.
According to my followers, my shot-in-the-dark word "pedamundo" means "drunken party world." Are you celebrating Pedamundo this weekend?
This Friday and Saturday night will be known around the world as Pedamundo. The second weekend of June every year.
Petamundo takes place the weekend before father's day. 7 days apologizing for the year's indiscretions, culminating in a nice garden salad.
On Pedamundo, urinating on a cop car isn't just legal, it's customary.
In observance of Pedamundo, plastic funnels will be handed out. RT @KIMNB I can't pee on a cop car...I'm a lady...sometimes
You know that buzz you have 2.5 drinks in where everything in the world feels achievable? That is Pedamundo.
When the lyrics to Sweet Child O' Mine describe your life story, that is Pedamundo. Only if you fill them with Sauza Gold.
RT @eliasharrak The feeling of taking your shoes off after a hard days work, that is Pedamundo
Only if it is on a pool table, mid-game. RT @Ewokpower laying down after a long day, that is Pedamundo
The official start time of Pedamundo is 5pm, EST.
"Those on the west shall celebrate early for the east so that the favor is returned on the evening of Sunday, when despair grows deep."
PEDAMUNDO IS UNDERWAY IN AU!! Just got a call from the Prime Minister who says "this has emboldened our people." I'm so proud right now.
I will address the ceremonial swapping of the pants soon. RT @StDAY Is there a dress code for Pedamundo?
RT @A_is_A thanks for the gift of Pedamundo. Never before has so much been accomplished by so few in so little time with so little effort. Fantastic!!
RT @PhilJFry Live Update from Australia: In honour of Pedamundo, Super Freak is played continuously on major radio networks
RT @prossel Here in Canada we're celebrating Pedamundo in our usual way-being extremely polite, murdering seals and listening to Rush!
30 MINUTES TO PEDAMUNDO!!! Please be safe and get a designated blood donor!
RT @bobmaron Midtown Manhattan.... Times Square traffic completely blocked off for Pedamundo tonight!! Expecting over 1M visitors!
EAST COAST, BEGIN!!! WEST COAST, BEGIN!!! I'm so excited I might pee someone's pants!! Pedamundo!!! A celebration of life and dexterity.
I'll be on Larry King Live tonight to talk Pedamundo along with adult film star Peter North and the cast of "Benson."
John Mayer,
June holiday,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My lifes in the toilet.
Toilet paper. It is such a personal thing. Quilted or not, 1-ply or 2 ply, over or under. But now there are even more decisions to make.
The toilet paper holder.
There are many kinds to suit the geek, outdoors man, book lover, fisherman, redneck and music lover to name a few.
The toilet paper holder.
There are many kinds to suit the geek, outdoors man, book lover, fisherman, redneck and music lover to name a few.
fishing reel,
polar bear,
toilet paper,
toilet paper holder fisherman
It's a zoo out there.
jelly fish,
Pittsburgh Zoo,
polar bear,
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